Knowing Where To Invest In Your Flower Farm Business (SFFF09)

(the Six Figure Flower Farming Podcast, episode #09)

We're diving deep into a topic that's crucial for anyone running or starting a flower farm: where to invest your hard-earned dollars for maximum impact.

If you're like me, you want to be smart with your money—no wasting it on things that won't move the needle for your business. So, let's talk about what really matters when it comes to investing in your flower farm.

First off, there are so many things vying for your investment: perennial plantings like peonies, fancy branding packages, high tunnels, walk-in coolers—you name it. It can be overwhelming, right? 

But here’s the deal: what you invest in should depend on your unique situation.

How to know what to invest in 

Let's break it down. Every flower farm is as unique as the person who runs it.  What works for one person might not work for another. So, instead of splurging randomly, based on the advice of others (including me!), it’s crucial to pinpoint what's holding your business back—your pinch points.

Pinch points are those pain-in-the-neck areas that keep you from growing. It could be lack of infrastructure, knowledge gaps, or simply inefficiencies in your workflow. Identifying these is step one. 

Take a few minutes to sit down and think about what is TRULY holding your business back from growing.  Pinpoint the exact solution that will alleviate that pain point - and then invest into those solutions. 

A personal example

For instance, in my early days, I was starting hundreds of trays of flowers in my basement. A lot of farmers don’t have an issue with this, but for me… it was a nightmare—water everywhere, soil creeping into every corner, and worst of all, no work-life separation. My poor family had to live with a mini flower farm invading our home! 

The quality of the flower starts suffered: many were leggy, they got fungus gnats and fungal diseases from the lack of airflow in my basement (no matter how many fans and open windows I had going!).  This cost me time and money by having poor plugs and flower plants.

That's when I realized I needed a greenhouse, not just for better plant health but also to restore some peace at home.

Once I invested in a greenhouse, I was able to produce healthier plants that thrived, grew higher quality flowers, increased profits, and was able to expand our flower farm, which led to higher revenues and profits.  Not to mention I cleaned up my house and it feels so much better now! 

Investments will depends on your unique situation

Here’s the thing: in year one, your pinch points might be basic—like needing better growing supplies or a small greenhouse setup. But as your business grows, your pinch points evolve. Maybe by year five, you’re looking at labor issues or needing specialized equipment.

Your goals also shape where you should invest. Want to scale up? You might invest in marketing and sales strategies. Looking for more balance? Invest in ways to streamline operations so you’re not working 80-hour weeks.

Education is the best investment of all

And let's not forget education. Investing in learning how to run your business better—whether through books, courses, or mentorship—can be game-changing. Seriously, it was for me. I went from knowing zilch about flowers to doubling my revenue year over year once I invested in my own education.

Learning about key business skills like marketing, sales, numbers/finance, and efficiencies can make a massive difference in your bottom line.  Don’t ever be afraid of investing in yourself or your education, it will give you the biggest return on your investment!

Here at Trademark Farmer, we have endless (free!) resources to help you get started: our podcast, blog, mini-courses and more.  When you’re ready to dive into some serious business skills, the Six Figure Flower Farming online course will be waiting for you! 

Key Takeaways

So, what’s the takeaway on investments? Before you whip out that credit card, sit down and figure out what’s really holding you back. Write down your goals, pinpoint your specific pinch points, and then brainstorm solutions. That way, every dollar you spend is a strategic move toward growth.

Oh, and if you’re looking for resources to kickstart your flower farming journey, I’ve put together a list of must-read books that transformed my business. Download my free book list HERE.

I hope this helps you navigate where to invest in your flower farm wisely. Remember, it’s not about spending money; it’s about investing in your future success.

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